BMC West Truss Plant • Chubbuck, Idaho

For leasing information and property management inquiries, please contact:

Bret McNee
H&S Financial Corporation
Phone: (208) 622-5502
Email: bret(at)
Website: H&S Financial Corporation

About the property:
The BMC West Truss Plant is a built-to-suit industrial building that stands at 32,640 square feet. The property is strategically placed by the rail road and has a rail spur that goes directly to the plant.

BMC has been in operation since 1987 as a building materials distributor. BMC distributes building materials, manufactures building components, and provides construction services across the United States. The company provides builders with computerized pre-cut framing lumber for constructing roof and floor trusses. BMC employees over 9,000 people across the United States.

Chubbuck, Idaho is located immediately north of Pocatello, Idaho and is part of Pocatello’s Metropolitan Statistical Area.

Property address:
270 A New Day Parkway, Chubbuck, ID 83202

Major tenants include:
BMC West